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Which tourist attractions you ought to omit in xian tour
usually besides the xian highlight tourist attractions:Terracotta Warriors, city wall, muslim…
tourist still intend to visit more, but the first time to xian,
not sure worthy or not.
in order save tourist time and money,more importantly to save your regret and disapointment,.WestChinaGo Travel Service list some tourist attraction and suggest you don’t need to visit.
on the way to Terracotta Warriors, the car will pass by huaqingchi, where is hot well the Tang Dynasty’s concubine have a bath
as insider,really boring,and around building is new artificial building,after you pay high price tickets,the result is a disapoinment.not worthy.
The Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s Mausoleum
it’s said that underground is huge palace.
due to modern tech reason, this site is not devoloped,not accessable, all you can see is a small mountain,
you can not go underground, one word: nothing
[iframe width=”100%” height=”525″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/GzkSUQ1hX74″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen]
XiAn history museum
first, shaanxi history museum ≠ xian history museum.
shaanxi history museum have more scale,more exhibtions treasure,higher level …
after your visiting, it’s really no necessary to vist xian history museum.
more detail for shaanxi history museum:https://www.westchinago.com/shaanxi-history-museum.html
BeiLing(stone tablets)
in china culture,calligrpghy play an important role,
for xian beiling,every stone tablets have deep story,you need deep history background to go through,
so even chinese in common can not understand,let more foreigner,
in general view, just stone,boring
small goose pogoda tower
comparing the big wild goose pogoda,the small is little cake,
the scale, importance of history,..can not match big goos pogoda.
so at your discretions
ming dynasty palace heritage
this is place tang dynasty palace’s ruin heritage.
now restore it with some new building.more and more, you can see are the models, actually it display little value for visiting.
after checking the following photo,then you decide to go or not
anyway, which tourist to go or not depends on your time and interests,
the above just for your reference,hope you enjoy your xian tour.