chengdu bar street

You are here: Home » CHENGDU Tour> »chengdu BAR street [iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”520″] ChengDu Bar Street 1. Lan Kwai Fong ChengDu website: Add:3/F, Block 15, Lan Kwai Fong Chengdu, 1 Shuijin Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu Chinses Add:(成都合江亭水津街香格里拉酒店旁边兰桂坊) Tel:028-65503393 2.成都九眼桥的小酒吧一条街 the oppsite bank of LanKwaiFong 地址:成都九眼桥临江路酒吧一条街 3. 在加勒比广场有一家酒吧叫水母(Jelly Fish),老板是三个犹太人和一个荷兰人,他们的顾客群也有很多外国人,酒吧有两层楼,氛围挺不错的。在不远处美领馆旁边的保利中心,整栋楼里面有很多幺蛾子酒吧。每天有不同的活动,可能因为地理位置,不同国籍的人也蛮多的,黒啤很便宜,水烟口味也比较多。氛围很好,人气也比较炸。 1.Jellyfish水母酒吧 ★★★★★ 适合聚会疯耍 前段时间不是杂志搞了一个投票,票选成都最佳夜店、最佳咖啡吧。水母酒吧凭借绝对人气获得了第一名:2016成都最佳的夜店。所以把它放第一位,在座的各位没意见吧。 对水母酒吧,楼主是有感情的。毕竟好几个有故事的外国帅哥都是在水母酒吧认识的……嗯,水母是几个以色列朋友开的,酒好,气氛好,所以来消费的大部分都是在成都工作或者留学的外国人。 楼主爱跳舞,所以好音乐嗨起来的酒吧最对胃口。水母的DJ放的音乐很热门,节奏也很嗨。BEAT刚好是那种可以性感撩人,也可以HIPHOP装逼的类型。尬舞从来就没输过!有很多外国DJ,但楼主最喜欢的是个中国DJ Choke,超帅超萌!水母酒吧每周会有一个女士之夜,妹子们可以去免费喝酒。自然妹子的数量也多了起来。而且妹子质量还真是相当不错,一个个前凸后翘都是超短热裤配紧身吊带背心的欧美风打扮,中分黑长直加大红唇也算是标配,怪不得老外也被迷得七荤八素的。兰桂坊店每周还有主题表演。偶尔有钢管舞什么的。水母的安保真的很赞,遇上酒鬼骚扰,跟服务员说下,他们会直接过来把酒鬼拖走,确认你足够安全才离开。水母对女性还是很尊重的,各方面都很nice。 Add:2/F… Continue reading chengdu bar street

westchinago tour guide-HuiKan

You are here: Home>ChengDu Tour, Travel Guide>ChengDu Tour Guide HuiKan ChengDu WestChinaGo Travel Service China Tour ChengDu Tour Guide Hui.K is old tour guide in chengdu, more than 10 years tour expeirence in tour sector, her major is english, approachable, amazing , helpful. she will enhance and enrich your tour in chengdu, such as really… Continue reading westchinago tour guide-HuiKan

westchinago tour guide-Yao

You are here: Home>ChengDu Tour, Travel Guide>ChengDu Tour Guide YaoWestChinaGo Travel Service China Tour ChengDu Tour Guide Yao is English teacher at chengdu city; she love tour sector. with her, you will have many subject to chat, about education, about being a mother,,about china culture,food… under her guidence, she will help you see a brand… Continue reading westchinago tour guide-Yao

westchinago tour guide-xiang

You are here: Home>ChengDu Tour, Travel Guide>ChengDu Tour Guide Xiang ChengDu WestChinaGo Travel Service China Tour ChengDu Tour Guide xiang is a very sunny optimistic and easy going girl. she has run a nail shop where have 4 employees,she has been in tour sector more than 6 years, her energy is from differnt tourist she… Continue reading westchinago tour guide-xiang

westchinago tour guide-rosky

You are here: Home>ChengDu Tour, Travel Guide>ChengDu Tour Guide Rosky ChengDu WestChinaGo Travel Service China Tour ChengDu Tour Guide rosky is from sichuan local,.very good at being tour guide for tourist from indonesia , mylaysia, singapore, thailand…. he is gental, patient, much comfortable experience with him.,strong recommend. ChengDu WestChinaGo Travel Service Address:1Building,1# DaYou Lane,,DongHuaMen… Continue reading westchinago tour guide-rosky

chengdu westchinago tour guide-LiShuang

You are here: Home>ChengDu Tour, Travel Guide>ChengDu Tour Guide LiShuang ChengDu WestChinaGo Travel Service China Tour ChengDu Tour Guide :LiShuang the following is review from our customer: Highlight of my trip to Chengdu! Took two fantastic tours with Westchinago – one to Leshan with the fabulous guide Summer, and another to volunteer at the Dujiangyan… Continue reading chengdu westchinago tour guide-LiShuang

westchinago tour guide-zac

You are here: Home>ChengDu Tour, Travel Guide>ChengDu Tour Guide Zac.Zeng ChengDu WestChinaGo Travel Service China Tour ChengDu Tour Guide zac. chengdu local, young and handsome, as tour guide more than 4 years……… he is incredible and well-knowledged! He knew a significant amount about all the places we went and was always willing to answer any… Continue reading westchinago tour guide-zac

zhangjiajie tour things to do

You are here: Home » ZhangJieJie Tour> »zhangjiajie travel tips zhangjiajie travel tips 1. A trip through Zhangjiajie National Forest Park This national park is spread through 50 miles (80 kilometers) of tropical forest. The park is made with five beautiful areas named Yuanjiajie, Yangjiajie, Yaozizhai, Golden Whip Stream and Huangshizhai. The main attraction of this forest are… Continue reading zhangjiajie tour things to do